Lab Alumni
See where our recent lab alumni are now:
Former Students
Samuel Wu
2021-2022: High school student, AAN Neuroscience Research Prize
Currently: High school senior
Aidan Du
2021-2021: High school student
Currently: Sophomore at UC Davis
James Woo
2021-2021: Undergraduate researcher
Currently: Junior at Pomona (Physics)
Andrew McKinney, PhD
2016-2021: PhD student
Currently: Scientist, BridgeBio
Kiet-Thien Nguyen
2016-2019: PhD student
Currently:Associate Attorney at Orrick, Herrington, and Sutcliffe LLP
Ana Xavier-Magalhães, PhD
2015-2019: PhD student, University of Minho, Portugal
Currently: Genentech
Heejae Choi
2015-2015: High school student
Currently: UC Berkeley student
Cate Ryan
2015-2015: High school student intern
Andrew Mancini, PhD
2015-2018: PhD student
Currently: Postdoctoral fellow,Genentech (Fred de Sauvage), NIH F99/K00 awardee;
Lindsey Jones, PhD
2014-2018: PhD student
Currently: Product Manager, Myriad Genomics
Aleksandr Pankov, PhD
2014-2017: PhD student
Currently: Senior Computational Scientist, ORIC Pharmaceuticals
Ariana Moghbel
2014-2014: High school student
Currently: UC Berkeley (Presidential scholarship); UC Davis MD/PhD program
Heejun Choi
2014-2014: High school student
Currently: Yale University School of Nursing
Robin Kang
2012: CIRM scholar
Currently: Medical student
Tali Mazor, PhD
2011-2017: PhD student and postdoc
Currently: DFCI Scientist in the Knowledge Systems Group, Harvard
Ashley Graham
2011-2012: CIRM scholar intern
Currently: Senior Research Associate, Olema Oncology
Robert Bell, PhD
2010-2015: PhD student
Co-Founder and CEO, Telo Therapeutics
Sara Downey Mills
2009-2010: CIRM scholar intern
Currently: Principal Consultant, Cell & Gene Therapy
Brett Johnson, PhD
2009-2014: PhD student
Currently: Faculty and Scientific Program Manager, Oregon Health Sciences University
Bruno Costa, PhD
2006-2008: PhD student, Minho University, Portugal
Currently: Faculty, Braga, Portugal
Nima Soltenzad, MD
2005-2005: Cornell undergraduate
Currently: Internal Medicine, CSA and Kaiser, California
Danielle Dahle, MD
2004-2004: MIT undergraduate
Currently: Assistant Professor, Dean's Office, UCSF
Alika Maunakea, PhD
2003-2008: BMS graduate student
Associate Professor, University of Hawaii
Peter Jun, MD
2003-2004: Stanford medical student (HHMI student fellowship)
Currently: Attending physician, Department of Radiology, Kaiser
Kimiko Thornton
2002-2002: EP High School Internship Program
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
Michael Zhang, MD, PhD (2019-2021)
Radiation Oncologist
Sutter Solano Cancer Center
Yvonne Kim, PhD (2018-2021)
Computational Scientist
Guardant Health
Carter Barger, PhD (2018-2020)
Senior Scientist
Alexandra Amen, PhD (2018-2020)
5AM Ventures, San Francisco
Stephen Magill, MD, PhD (2016-2018)
Assistant Professor
Northwestern University
Giselle Y. López, MD, PhD (2017-2018)
Assistant Professor
The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center
Duke University
Stephanie Hilz, PhD (2016-2020)
Associate Scientist, Oncology Biomarker Development
Josie L. Hayes PhD (2016-2018)
Associate Director, Developmental Diagnostics
Revolution Medicine
Yao Yu, MD (2016-2018)
Assistant Professor
Radiation Oncology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Cory Y. McLean (2011-2012)
Genomics team in Google Brain, CAM lead
Michael Barnes, MD (2010-2011)
Clinical Platform Strategy Leader - Digital Pathology
Jeffrey Cheng, MD, PhD (2009-2015)
Associate Professor, Dermatology
Serah Choi, MD, PhD (2015-2017)
Assistant Professor
Case Western Reserve
Matthew Grimmer, PhD (2015-2019)
Senior Computational Scientist
Shaun Fouse, PhD (2009-2014)
Senior Scientist
FibroGen, Inc.
Ravi Nagarajan, PhD
University of California, Davis
K. Scott Moorefield, PhD (2005-2008)
Director, Global Business Development, Roche
Senior Manager, Tarceva Strategy and Key Customers, Genentech
Justin Smith, MD, PhD (2005-2006)
Harrison Distinguished Professor of Neurosurgery
University of Virginia
Benoit Cadieux, PhD (2004-2006)
Director - Medical Affairs
Raptor Pharmaceutical
Ying Chen, PhD (2004-2006)
Clinical Pharmacology/Oncology
Jean Ching, PhD (2002-2005)
Faculty University in Tapei, Taiwan
Maarit Tiirikainen, PhD (2002-2004)
Associate Professor
University of Hawaii
Giuseppe Zardo, PhD (2001-2002)
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Chemistry
University of Rome