Matthew Grimmer, PhD
Research interests: The genomic and epigenomic evolution of IDH-mutant glioma, an incurable brain cancer
Other interests: Photography, philanthropy, politics, gardening, wilderness, SCUBA, capsaicin, passport stamps, port wine
Email: matthew.grimmer@ucsf.edu
IDH-mutant glioma is among the most common brain cancers. After initial surgery and chemotherapy, tumors inevitably recur and progress to aggressive high-grade disease. Using several layers of genetic and epigenetic data from matched initial and recurrent tumor samples, I am investigating how IDH-mutant gliomas evade chemotherapy and recur. Comparing specific and genome-wide trends with rich clinical data from each patient, my primary focus is on the driving forces behind chemotherapy-induced genetic hypermutation, a common yet poorly understood resistance mechanism. With exceptionally high mutational burden, hypermutated glioma recurrences suggest a rich pool of putative targets for both targeted therapy and immunotherapy.
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2003: BS, Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, UCLA
2014: PhD, Genetics and Genomics, UC Davis (Peggy Farnham's Lab)
2014-2015: Postdoctoral Scholar, USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (Peggy Farnham's Lab)
2015-current: Postdoctoral Fellow, UCSF Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center (Joe Costello's lab)
2016: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32), NIH/NCI
2015: Institutional National Research Service Award (T32), NIH/NCI